Wednesday, August 2, 2006

Cashing in

There are moments in life when you realize that things will never be the same. There are no 'do overs', 'spaces back' or 'do not pass go' turns. The first time you tie your shoe, the feeling you get when you graduate college, the experience in the real world when you realize being a grown up has far more consequences than you originally thought.

I've always had a mouth. I was sent to the principals office the first day of kindergarten, had a special desk next to the teacher in more then one class and again in high school visited the main office and detention. I had more then one altercation with those deemed authority figures since I knew how to speak. Be it at a church camp or a work place I always knew where I stood and it didn't matter to me if others didn't see it that way. I find as you get older the consequences for speaking up aren't always how you think even if in your heart you know it was right. Shaking the hierarchy totem pole isn't something I often intend to do however I always seem to deem my opinion worthy of an appearance. Chances are it probably isn't the time or the place. Chances are...I say something anyway.

I rarely feel apologetic for standing up for myself. I felt that way recently though, sadly in the one situation where no person should ever feel that way. Have we as the world become so non sympathetic to the people in our daily lives that respect, professionalism and loyalty are non-existent?

No wonder we as people are so scared of the life we have been given. A life so precious, wasted on fears that that we will be overcome with ridicule, judgment and hatred of those around us. All I can say is for a brief moment I knew what it was like to feel two inches tall, want to retract a statement I made and become transparent. Luckily it was only a moment but that moment ignited something in me realizing being a grown up isn't an even trade for cashing in on Mickey Mouse pancakes, pig tails, and bedtime stories.

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